Wednesday, July 9, 2008

File Folder Games in Preschool Lesson Plans

I have gotten busy over the last months and haven't blogged. I am going to try to keep it up this time. I have a lot of great ideas and really want to share them.

Also, if you have read my preschool co-op blog you know I TRIED to do a co-op with my friends that didn't work out. But this year, I am going to do it with just my daughter at my house. I have a corner in my kitchen set up as our "school". She really needs to be academically challenged more, and because of health issues we aren't ready to let her go to preschool yet..... So teacher- mom to the rescue!

We had our first "lesson" today. We talked about bugs, the letter B, and of course, butterflies. We colored a butterfly, and made a stamping picture of bugs.

I am just trying to get her used to the idea.

So, please join me again for this little adventure, and my many other ideas in child development and preschool lesson plans.

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